Generally i have learnt that i need to make my images more bright and eye catching and make them look more interesting so that the reader is drawn to the magazine, and more persuaded to buy it. Also I have learnt how to make my practical work look more professional and sophisticated. For example making the structure of the pages more clear, and generally more aligned so that they look organised and professional.
I have also learnt to listen to my target audience and try and incorporate their ideas into the magazine so that they can relate to the magazine and therefore are more likely to buy it because the things inside appeal to them.
I think that my magazine in the preliminary task wasn't as good because the colours were fairly dull and boring, where as in my final product, the music magazine i have made the colours brighter and bolder, and edited the contrast of the images used, and used bolder and more interesting font so that the pages stand out and generally look more appealing and attractive.
I also found that in my preliminary task my magazine seemed quite babyish, and the language wasn't as sophisticated as it could be, so for my music magazine i made sure that the language was a bit more sophisticated, and therefore would appeal to the audience more.