Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Front Cover :) Comment?

This is my finished front cover of my student magazine, any comments would be helpful, as i can still tweak certan areas, and adjust things to make it more appealing.
I think that i have put things on the front cover that would appeal to college students, and that are relevant to our age group.
I think that the picture of Jonny and Ollie works well as a background because it draws your eyes to the magazine, and also the colours work well so that i can add text to it, and it can be clearly read. The picture is also a medium close up.

1 comment:

  1. I like the layout and the amusing photos ;)

    The arrangement is clean and not overpowering, allowing the reader/audience to focus on the images and read the text without it being too intrusive. I think the masthead (blue) and orange text could do with a colour change perhaps, but otherwise good :)
